Vibgyor – Inter School fest by
M.P. Birla Foundation H.S. School

Children from Class III to V represented the school in various events in ‘Vibgyor’ – Inter School fest organised by M.P.Birla Foundation H.S. School, Kolkata on 27th September 2023.

The following were the awards received –

Champions Trophy by The BSS School

Second Prize – Crafty Creations – Aradhya Singh VC

Second Prize – Expressive Fusion (English Elocution) – Shibadrita Ghosal VC

Second Prize – Eco Essence (Eastern Music) – Sampriti Maiti IIIA, Aindrika Goswami IIIB, Esha Paul IVA, Aradhya Kundu IVB, ARYAA BASU IVC, Shrestha Chakraborty VA, Riddhima Sen VA, Bavrabi Bera VC.

Third Prize – Twist & Turn (Western Dance) – Lekha Dutta IIIC , Paridhi Shaw IIIC, Aadrita Ghosh IIIA, Kumud Jaychandaka IVC, Gunjaree Sarkar IVC, Kairavi Kabiraj VC, Treena Samanta VC .

The students showcased their talents in various events which boosted their confidence and also motivated them for higher performances.