Year 2019-2020
BITM Eastern India Science Fair
The students of class X got a fantastic chance to exhibits their models at the eastern Indian science fair and also learn from the models displayed from the other school from all disciplines of science.
Puspha Bitan International Floral Competition
Four of our students participated in the International Floral Competition held at Quest Mall and our students got felicitated for the display of their floral arrangement.
TTIS Challenge
Many students have participated in the inter school event which ultimately had two winners from our school. Ronkini Sengupta was second in Eastern music and Rohita Sarkar was first in creating writing in Bengali.
Film Show by CEMO
The Center for Ecological Movement hosted a special film show on Conservation of wild life and preservation of tigers.
Special Training on Public Speaking
Selected students of Classes of VIII / IX and X were given a special exposure to Public Speaking.
Inter House Collage Competition
Students of Classes VII & VIII participated in groups for the inter house Collage Competition on various topics for different classes. Blue House was the winner from class VII. Red House was the winner from Class VIII.
Anti Addiction Workshop held by Bobby Chakraborty, an Actor and Activist
On 16th of April 2019, A workshop on anti addiction was conducted by actor and activist Bobby Chakraborty for the students of classes ix to xii in the school Auditorium. He laid stress on different types of substance abuses and it’s negative impact. His lucid yet energetic presentation created an impact on the students.
Gandhi Quiz ” KaunJaanta Gandhi Ko” was conduted in The BSS School by the Gandhi 150 West Bengal Committee.
The Gandhi Quiz was a quiz with a difference. Twelve students from Classes VI, VII, VII and IX took part. The prizes they received was very interesting , such as books , soft drinks ,a year’s subscription of a magazine “Gandhi Marg” which is published by the Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi.

Inter school Fest at Sri Shikshaytan ( Jubilare 19 )
The events in which the students participated are 1.Color Splash( Painting) 2. Frozen Shadows (Photography) 3. Twist in the taste ( No fire Cooking) 4. Junk -n-Fun ( best out of waste). All the events were based on this topic.

Dance Workshop at Indus Valley World School
Twelve students, who practiced dance at home and probably did not get a chance to perform in school were selected to go for this exclusive workshop. The workshop was based on three forms of dances. Classical Jazz, Bachata-Kuzomba and Creative Dance. The chief guest at the event was the famous Odissi dancer Ms. Alakananda Roy.
Plastic and Wood Craft Workshop
4 students of Secondary section attended a workshop on plastic and wood crafts organized by ISDI at Sri Sri Academy.
Rabindra Jayanti Celebration at St. Lawrence Day School
Five students participated in the celebration of Rabindra Jayanti along with a performance on Baul Dance.
Alliance Francaise celebration of Earth Day
Students participated in Debate and poster making on the occasion of Earth Day and all topic were related to the Conservation and Preservation of the earth.
West Bengal State Youth U – 24 Chess Championship held at Silver Point.
Three students of Class VI & VIII participated in the champion ship round.
World Yoga Day
Students from Classes VI to IX displayed the various asanas which can improve their mental health as well as their physical well-being. The benefits of each asana was explained and then displayed.

Celebration of the Birthday of Sri Aurobindo
The students participated in a essay writing, elocution competition to mark the Birthday of Sri Aurobindo at Future Foundation School.
January 2020
Chef talk organised by IIHM and The BSS School
A chef talk for classes 8 to 11 was co-organised by IIHM and The BSS School where David Mallon, a well reputed chef from Northern Ireland UK along with a student of IIHM gave a Pep talk, some cooking tips and motivational speech.
February 2020
Creative Writing Competition organised by Janapriya Prakashani
Janapriya Prakashani along with various other programmes organised Creative Writing competition at 44th International Kolkata Book Fair. The BSS School was one of the participating schools and ne of the winners too.

March 2020
Special Assembly