- Story Telling Session by Ms. Nandana Dev Sen
On 9th January 2023 a story telling session was conducted for Classes II, III and IV by Ms. Nandana Dev Sen.
- ‘Ullas 2022-23’ Inter-school fest by South Point School (Junior Section)
On 13th and 14th January 2023 students from Classes II, III, IV and V represented the school in various events in ‘Ullas 2022-23’ organised by the South Point School (Junior Section).
- Junior Annual Literary Festival by Mahadevi Birla World Academy
Children from the primary section represented the school in various events in the Junior Annual Literary Festival organised by the Mahadevi Birla World Academy on 31st Jan. 2023.
The following prizes were won:
- Special Prize in Performing the Preamble
Samriddhi Mondal – IVB, Labanya Mallik – IVB, Rukmini Mukherjee – IVB, Sandhitsa Gangyly -VB, Prachurya Chowdhury – VB, Krittika Mujumder -VC.
- Special Prize in Illustrated Introductions
Rajonya Mitra – VA, Ditsa Saha – VA, Dakshi Sardar – IVB.
- Third Prize in Preamble in Praxis
Sreetama Bhattacharjee – VA.
- Third Prize in Decoding the Preamble Sayanya Dey – VC
- Art Exhibition by Sanctuary Nature Foundation, H.T. Parekh Foundation and Sher
Around 10 children from Class V of the primary section participated in the art competition organised by Sanctuary Nature Foundation. T. Parekh Foundation and Sher and selected drawings were exhibited in the Art Exhibition by Sanctuary Nature Foundation, H. T. Parekh Foundation and Sher from 21st to 23rd Feb.2023 in Gallery Gold, Kolkata.
Ditsa Saha from Class of VA got special recognition for her drawing on 23rd Feb.2023.
- Apeejay Anand Children’s Library Workshop
Around 12 children from classes IV and V participated in the Apeejay Anand Children’s Library Art Workshop on 26th Feb. 2023.
- IIHM Junior Chef Semi Finals – Eastern Zone
Prachurya Chowdhury (V-B), Treena Samanta (V-C) and Aradhya Singh (V-C) from the primary section participated in the IIHM Junior Chef Semi Finals (Eastern Zone) on 1st April 2003 held at the IIHM Global Campus, Salt Lake.
- Drawing session at Raj Bhavan on the occasion of State Foundation Day 2023
Around 15 children from Class – V participated in a special drawing session on 20th June 2023 at Raj Bhavan on the occasion of State Foundation Day celebrated by His Excellency- the Honourable Governor of West Bengal, Dr. C.V Ananda Bose.
- World Chocolate Day
On 10th July 2023, World Chocolate Day was celebrated in school wherein children from Classes Nursery to V enjoyed the day sharing and having different kinds of chocolates. They also prepared various non-fire dishes with chocolate as the main ingredient.
- ‘Alaap’, a non-competitive fun fest 2023 organised by The Heritage School, Kolkata.
Children from classes II to V represented the school in various events in ‘Alaap’, a non-competitive fun fest 2023 organized by The Heritage School, Kolkata on 20th July 2023.
- Inter-School Yoga Competition by Indus Valley World School
Samanwita Sen of V – C and Sambodhi Datta of V – A participated in the Category A at the Inter-School Yoga competition organized by the Indus Valley World School on 29th August 2023.
- Inter-Class Cooking Competition (Classes IV &V)
An inter-class cooking competition was held involving classes IV and V wherein children displayed their culinary skills with great enthusiasm.
- NCF Best Practices Project (Classes Nursery to II)
The BSS School strives for the all-round development of the children and to enable every child to develop self-esteem and confidence by nurturing them with care to be empowered women in the society. Keeping at par with the NCF’s aim of the holistic development of children at the pre-primary level (3 to 8 years), the school ensures that appropriate and high-quality ECCE (Early childhood care and education) is provided to all children in the institutional environment.
Emphasizing the aspect of ‘Behaviour Management’, under NCF 2022 Best Practices Project the school pays special attention to develop self – dependence among the children at the pre-primary level to lay the foundation of self-help skills which is a key determinant of the quality of adult life. Autonomy is encouraged in the early years to help children feel in control and consequently boost their self-esteem. Self-dependence is an important way to build self-identity, self-esteem and self-confidence in children. It also gives the child a sense of importance and belonging which is essential for building social relationship and for contributing to the world. It develops some vital qualities like patience, concentration, self- help, co-operation, self-discipline and self-trust thus enabling the children to feel a great sense of achievement and success as a direct result of their own actions at the pre-primary level.
Click here for the collage of pictures of the events
Vibgyor – Inter School Fest by M.P.Birla Foundation H.S. School
Children from Class III to V represented the school in various events in ‘Vibgyor’ – Inter School fest organised by M.P.Birla Foundation H.S. School, Kolkata on 27th September, 2023.
The following were the awards received –
Champions Trophy by The BSS School
Second Prize – Crafty Creations – Aradhya Singh-VC
Second Prize – Expressive Fusion (English Elocution) – Shibadrita Ghosal-VC
Second Prize – Eco Essence (Eastern Music) – Sampriti Maiti – IIIA, Aindrika Goswami- IIIB, Esha Paul -IVA, Aradhya Kundu -IVB, Aryaa Basu- IVC, Shrestha Chakraborty -VA, Riddhima Sen-VA, Bavrabi Bera-VC.
Third Prize – Twist & Turn (Western Dance) – Lekha Dutta- IIIC , Paridhi Shaw-IIIC, Aadrita Ghosh -IIIA, Kumud Jaychandaka- IVC, Gunjaree Sarkar- IVC, Kairavi Kabiraj-VC, Treena Samanta-VC .
The students showcased their talents in various events which boosted their confidence and also motivated them for higher performances.
AVISHKAR BEYOND ATOMS, Inter- School Science Fest, Topic:SDG Goal (11 to 15)
Organised by B.D.Memorial Junior School (Bansdroni Centre) Dated:29.9.23
Participants: Ditsa Saha-VA, Sambodhi Datta-VA, Subarna Roy-VB, Tannishtha Roy-VB, Tasvi Sharma-VB, Labanya Mallick-VB.
Award Received – Award for Excellence in Most Sustainable Category
The BSS School model was based on SDG Goal No.13 – Climate Action
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly unveiled a transformative road map in the document titled ‘Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’.
The agenda comprises 17 sustainable goals (SDG’s), encompassing 169 targets thus far.
The BSS School model was based on SDG Goal 13-Climate Action. The model was divided into two parts – the first part depicting the consequences of global warming and the second part showing how we can take small scale initiatives to reduce global warming.The students also prepared charts to show the small-scale initiatives taken by The BSS School to make our operations more co-friendly.
About 15 schools participated in the fest whose model depicted various SDG Goals (Goal nos. 11 to 15).By participating in the fest; the students were motivated and encouraged to showcase their understanding and creativity for a cause. The fest also provided a platform for the young minds to communicate freely.
SPARKLE 2023, an Inter School Fest was organised by the Primary Section of The BSS School on 5th and 6th Oct.2023. Around 10 reputed schools from Kolkata participated in this 2-day event with great enthusiasm. Day one comprised of non-competitive onstage and offstage events involving Classes UKG to III. It included events like Kirigami (Origami), Rocking Art(Pebble painting), Open with A Smile (Envelope Making), Claydorable(Clay modelling),Chorale (Group Song in English) and Pup Talk (Non-verbal puppet show). Day two on the other hand involved Classes IV and V comprising onstage and offstage events like Taste Busterzz (Cooking), Can Doo (Doodling), Cyber Artie (Power Point Presentation), Sporticon(Multiple Sports Activities), Spotlight (Showcase Any Talent) and Folk Rockers (Group Dance).
The following were the awards won on day two by different schools:
Taste Busterzz
First Prize – Sri Sri Academy
Second Prize – Abhinav Bharati High School
Third Prize – St. Lawrence High School
Cyber Artie
First Prize – St. Lawrence High School
Second Prize – M.P.Birla Foundation H. S. School
Third Prize – Shri Shikshayatan School
Can Do
First Prize – Indus Valley World School
Second Prize – M.P.Birla Foundation H. S. School
Third Prize – Birla High School, Mukundapur
Sporticon ( Boys Category)
First Prize – Abhinav Bharati High School
Second Prize – Lakshmipat Singhania Academy
Third Prize – Birla High School, Mukundapur
Sporticon (Girls Category)
First Prize – Sri Sri Academy
Second Prize – Shri Shikshayatan School
Third Prize – Shri Shikshayatan School
First Prize – Lakshmipat Singhania Academy
Second Prize – St. Lawrence High School
Third Prize – Abhinav Bharati High School
Folk Rockers
First Prize – The BSS School
Second Prize – Indus Valley World School
Third Prize – Abhinav Bharati High School
Best Schools
Abhinav Bharati High School
Sri Sri Academy
St. Lawrence High School
The events brought forth in students the felicity of creativity, new friendship, peer learning
and joy. The cooperation and joint effort of all the students, teachers, participating schools,
non-teaching staffs and the parents made the event a grand success.
Virtual Fancy Dress and Poster Competition for Bulbuls organised by BharatScoutsand Guides
Children from Classes IV represented the school in the Virtual Fancy Dress andPoster Competition for Bulbuls organised by Bharat Scouts and Guides, Kolkataon26thJan.2022.
Bavrabi Bera from Class IV-A won the Second Prize in the Virtual Fancy DressCompetition and Shibadrita Ghosal from Class IV-C won the Second Prize in thePosterCompetition.
Vasant Panchami Programme was celebrated online by the children of theprimarysectionon5thFeb.2022towelcomespringwithsongsanddances.
Koushani Bhattacharjee from Class V-C got the First Prize in BharatnatyamJunior Category in World Dance Olympiad (International Online Dance ContestandFestival) organised byANASS INDIA,Nagpuron 5thFeb.2022.
Inter-School Literary Fest ‘Words on Wings’ organised by Shri ShikshayatanSchool
Children from Classes III, IV and V represented the school in various events inthe Inter-School Literary Fest ‘Words on Wings’ organised by Shri ShikshayatanSchoolon 10thand 11thFeb.2022.
ChildrenfromClassIVparticipatedin theAnandArtWorkshoporganisedby
ApeejayAnandChildren’sLibrary on26thFeb.2022.
Sreetama Bhattacharjee from Class IV-B won the Second position in Pan IndiaOnlineCategory.
Children from classes IV and V represented the school in the paintingcompetition organised by National Library Employees’ Association, Alipore on6thMarch,2022.
DebangshiNandan from ClassV-BwontheSecondPrizeinGroupBcategory.
JSWPaints‘FutureScapes’PaintingCompetition 2022
Children from classes III, IV and V participated in the JSW Paints ‘Future Scapes’PaintingCompetition2022heldinschoolinthefirstandsecondweekofMarch 2022.
Thewinners were:
First – Labanya Mallick, III-BSecond – Sneha Bhunia, V-BThird–Shaown Dey,IV-B
Interactive Session with Dr. Madhurima Vidyarthi on her first book ‘MyGrandmother’sMasterpiece’organisedbyIndusValleyWorldSchool
Children from Class IV attended the virtual Interactive Session with Dr.Madhurima Vidyarthi on her first book ‘My Grandmother’s Masterpiece’organisedbyIndus ValleyWorld Schoolon10thMarch,2022.
Children from Class IV attended online sessions on 24thMarch, 2022 (Maithiliand the Minotaur by CG Salamander) and 25thMarch, 2022(Leeia Majumdar’sstories by Santanil Ganguly) curated by ThinkArts in association with KolkataLiteraryMeetonboth thedays.
CreativeCorner –AnArtandCreativeDevelopmentWorkshop
Children attended the Creative Corner – an art and development workshop on26thMarch,2022fromtheprimary section.
Samadrita Basu from Class V-B and Vidhi Gupta from Class V-C participated inthe International Student Essay Contest 2022 organised by GEMA on 10thApril,2022.
Rabindra Jayanti programme was celebrated on 6thMay, 2022 in the school’sauditorium where the children performed songs and dances to pay theirtributeto KobiGuruRabindranath Tagore.
Koushani Bhattacharjee from Class V-C won the First Prize in Kata event (10-16years advance girls) and the Second Prize in Kumite event (below 35kg girls),organised by International Gosoku Ryu Karate-Do Association on 22ndMay,2022.
The school was represented in the Heritage Art and Cultural Fest (ThirdEdition), a national level online inter-school classical dance and singingcompetition organised by Heritage Foundation of Art and Culture in May,2022.
The following were the winners in the singing category:SharanyaDasfromClassV-A,FourthPosition.
Sohini Chakraborty from Class V-B, Tenth Position.SanikshaDaluifromClassV-B,EighteenthPosition.
The following was the winner in the dance category:KoushaniBhattacharjeefromClassV-C,ThirdPosition.
The school was represented in the BITM Art Competition (Celebrating Bengal)bychildren fromClass Von 20thJune,2022.
Debanshi Nandan VB won the Third Prize.WorldYogaDay
On 21stJune 2022, World Yoga Day was celebrated virtually wherein childrenattendedspecialyogasessions topracticevariousasanas.
On 7thJuly 2022, World Chocolate Day was celebrated in school whereinchildren from Classes Nursery to V enjoyed the day sharing and havingdifferent kinds of chocolates. They also prepared various non-fire dishes withchocolateas themain ingredient.
Archisa Ghosh from Class II-C won the Gold Medal in Tiski Invitational DistrictKarate Championship 2022 organised by Traditional Institute of ShotokanKarateDo–Indiaon17thJuly,2022.
On 19thJuly 2022, children from Class V represented the school in variousevents like essay writing, painting and elocution competition organised byRamakrishnaMissionVidyalaya,Narendrapur(SeniorSection).
The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Golpark – Swami VivekanandaAllIndiaElocution Competitionforstudents (2022)
On 25thJuly 2022, Prapti Bhattacharya from Class V-C and Oishani Samajdarfrom Class III-C represented the school in the Swami Vivekananda All IndiaElocution Competition for students (2022) organised by The RamakrishnaMissionInstituteof Culture,Golpark.
‘Quaestio’ – Inter School Quiz Competition by Birla High School, Kolkata.The BSS team stood Second in the competition. The winners were:ShourjaGhosh IV-B
Aryaa Chatterjee V-ADevangiMukherjeeV-B
Archisha Ghosh from Class IIC was awarded the Silver medal in the 6thInternationalKarateChampionship2022 organisedbyAllIndiaSeishinkaishito
–Ryu KarateDoFederation on 30thand 31stJuly,2022.
Children from Class IV and V attended the Interactive Library Sessions on theTheme of Diversity by ThinkArts on 30thJuly, 4th, 6thand 10thAugust 2022 atTheThinkArtsCorner,Birla Academyof Art& Culture,Kolkata.
Children from Class I to V represented the school in ‘Indradhanush’ – InterSchool competition organised by Lakshmipat Singhania Academy, Kolkata on5thAugust,2022.
Independence Day was celebrated on 15thAugust,2022 in the school premiseswith great joy and enthusiasm. The children put up a cultural programme tosalutethenation throughtheir colourfulperformances.
Janmashtami was celebrated on 18thAugust, 2022 by the children in theirclasseswithgreatjoyandexcitementtoupholdthebirthofLordKrishna.
2ndAnil DasGuptaMemirial Aquaticmeet2022
Samriddhi Biswas from Class VB was awarded the First Prize in the 2ndAnil DasGupta Memirial Aquatic meet 2022 organised by Indian Life Saving Society intheGirls Novice10-12years GR II30Manystylecategory.
Avaneeka Biswas from Class VB was awarded The Sonika Chauhan Award forCouragebyTheTelegraphSchoolAwardson3rdSeptember,2022.
Children from Classes Nursery to Upper K.G. represented the school in variousevents in the inter-school competition organised by Arun Nursery School,Kolkataon 4thSep.2022.
Sudhrita Das from UKG – A, secured the Second position in Sit and DrawCompetition.
Teachers Day was celebrated by the children on 5thSeptember, 2022 withgreat joy and enthusiasm through various cultural performances in the schoolauditorium. The programme started with an introduction by a student of ClassV followed by a medley of famous English songs. The students then danced tothe tune of a Bengali folk song and a few Bollywood songs. To wrap it up,students of class I and II gave an energetic and heart racing Zumbaperformance. The teachers thoroughly enjoyed the programme as they tappedtheirfeetto therhythm.
Samyukta Sen from Class III-A became the Champion in under 9 years girls’single event in the U-9/11 Years Age Group (Talent Hunt) BadmintonTournament 2022 organised by Jadavpur Association under West CalcuttaBadmintonAssociationfrom6thto9thSeptember,2022.
Cartoon Network organised some activities for the children of Class V on 7thSeptember,2022on theschool ground.
auditoriumforClasses III-V.
The first round of IIHM Junior Chef 2022 was held in the school on 15thSeptember,2022.
Artand Craftdisplay
The art and crafts made by the children of the primary section was displayedon19thSeptember,2022.
Children from Class III to V represented the school in various events in‘Vibgyor’ – Inter School fest organised by M.P.Birla Foundation H.S. School,Kolkataon 22ndSeptember,2022.
The following were the prizes won:FirstPrizein Music
Debanjana Baruli IVC, Sharanya Das VA, Saniksha Dalui VB, Sohini ChakrabortyVB.
Saanvi Gupta IIIC, Rituja Das IVA, Prerona Tarafdar VB.ChampionsTrophy
- Story Telling Session by Ms. Nandana Dev Sen
On 9th January 2023 a story telling session was conducted for Classes II, III and IV by Ms. Nandana Dev Sen.
- ‘Ullas 2022-23’ Inter-school fest by South Point School (Junior Section)
On 13th and 14th January 2023 students from Classes II, III, IV and V represented the school in various events in ‘Ullas 2022-23’ organised by the South Point School (Junior Section).
- Junior Annual Literary Festival by Mahadevi Birla World Academy
Children from the primary section represented the school in various events in the Junior Annual Literary Festival organised by the Mahadevi Birla World Academy on 31st Jan. 2023.
The following prizes were won:
- Special Prize in Performing the Preamble
Samriddhi Mondal – IVB, Labanya Mallik – IVB, Rukmini Mukherjee – IVB, Sandhitsa Gangyly -VB, Prachurya Chowdhury – VB, Krittika Mujumder -VC.
- Special Prize in Illustrated Introductions
Rajonya Mitra – VA, Ditsa Saha – VA, Dakshi Sardar – IVB.
- Third Prize in Preamble in Praxis
Sreetama Bhattacharjee – VA.
- Third Prize in Decoding the Preamble Sayanya Dey – VC
- Art Exhibition by Sanctuary Nature Foundation, H.T. Parekh Foundation and Sher
Around 10 children from Class V of the primary section participated in the art competition organised by Sanctuary Nature Foundation. T. Parekh Foundation and Sher and selected drawings were exhibited in the Art Exhibition by Sanctuary Nature Foundation, H. T. Parekh Foundation and Sher from 21st to 23rd Feb.2023 in Gallery Gold, Kolkata.
Ditsa Saha from Class of VA got special recognition for her drawing on 23rd Feb.2023.
- Apeejay Anand Children’s Library Workshop
Around 12 children from classes IV and V participated in the Apeejay Anand Children’s Library Art Workshop on 26th Feb. 2023.
- IIHM Junior Chef Semi Finals – Eastern Zone
Prachurya Chowdhury (V-B), Treena Samanta (V-C) and Aradhya Singh (V-C) from the primary section participated in the IIHM Junior Chef Semi Finals (Eastern Zone) on 1st April 2003 held at the IIHM Global Campus, Salt Lake.
- Drawing session at Raj Bhavan on the occasion of State Foundation Day 2023
Around 15 children from Class – V participated in a special drawing session on 20th June 2023 at Raj Bhavan on the occasion of State Foundation Day celebrated by His Excellency- the Honourable Governor of West Bengal, Dr. C.V Ananda Bose.
- World Chocolate Day
On 10th July 2023, World Chocolate Day was celebrated in school wherein children from Classes Nursery to V enjoyed the day sharing and having different kinds of chocolates. They also prepared various non-fire dishes with chocolate as the main ingredient.
- ‘Alaap’, a non-competitive fun fest 2023 organised by The Heritage School, Kolkata.
Children from classes II to V represented the school in various events in ‘Alaap’, a non-competitive fun fest 2023 organized by The Heritage School, Kolkata on 20th July 2023.
- Inter-School Yoga Competition by Indus Valley World School
Samanwita Sen of V – C and Sambodhi Datta of V – A participated in the Category A at the Inter-School Yoga competition organized by the Indus Valley World School on 29th August 2023.
- Inter-Class Cooking Competition (Classes IV &V)
An inter-class cooking competition was held involving classes IV and V wherein children displayed their culinary skills with great enthusiasm.
- NCF Best Practices Project (Classes Nursery to II)
The BSS School strives for the all-round development of the children and to enable every child to develop self-esteem and confidence by nurturing them with care to be empowered women in the society. Keeping at par with the NCF’s aim of the holistic development of children at the pre-primary level (3 to 8 years), the school ensures that appropriate and high-quality ECCE (Early childhood care and education) is provided to all children in the institutional environment.
Emphasizing the aspect of ‘Behaviour Management’, under NCF 2022 Best Practices Project the school pays special attention to develop self – dependence among the children at the pre-primary level to lay the foundation of self-help skills which is a key determinant of the quality of adult life. Autonomy is encouraged in the early years to help children feel in control and consequently boost their self-esteem. Self-dependence is an important way to build self-identity, self-esteem and self-confidence in children. It also gives the child a sense of importance and belonging which is essential for building social relationship and for contributing to the world. It develops some vital qualities like patience, concentration, self- help, co-operation, self-discipline and self-trust thus enabling the children to feel a great sense of achievement and success as a direct result of their own actions at the pre-primary level.
Click here for the collage of pictures of the events
Vibgyor – Inter School Fest by M.P.Birla Foundation H.S. School
Children from Class III to V represented the school in various events in ‘Vibgyor’ – Inter School fest organised by M.P.Birla Foundation H.S. School, Kolkata on 27th September, 2023.
The following were the awards received –
Champions Trophy by The BSS School
Second Prize – Crafty Creations – Aradhya Singh-VC
Second Prize – Expressive Fusion (English Elocution) – Shibadrita Ghosal-VC
Second Prize – Eco Essence (Eastern Music) – Sampriti Maiti – IIIA, Aindrika Goswami- IIIB, Esha Paul -IVA, Aradhya Kundu -IVB, Aryaa Basu- IVC, Shrestha Chakraborty -VA, Riddhima Sen-VA, Bavrabi Bera-VC.
Third Prize – Twist & Turn (Western Dance) – Lekha Dutta- IIIC , Paridhi Shaw-IIIC, Aadrita Ghosh -IIIA, Kumud Jaychandaka- IVC, Gunjaree Sarkar- IVC, Kairavi Kabiraj-VC, Treena Samanta-VC .
The students showcased their talents in various events which boosted their confidence and also motivated them for higher performances.
AVISHKAR BEYOND ATOMS, Inter- School Science Fest, Topic:SDG Goal (11 to 15)
Organised by B.D.Memorial Junior School (Bansdroni Centre) Dated:29.9.23
Participants: Ditsa Saha-VA, Sambodhi Datta-VA, Subarna Roy-VB, Tannishtha Roy-VB, Tasvi Sharma-VB, Labanya Mallick-VB.
Award Received – Award for Excellence in Most Sustainable Category
The BSS School model was based on SDG Goal No.13 – Climate Action
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly unveiled a transformative road map in the document titled ‘Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’.
The agenda comprises 17 sustainable goals (SDG’s), encompassing 169 targets thus far.
The BSS School model was based on SDG Goal 13-Climate Action. The model was divided into two parts – the first part depicting the consequences of global warming and the second part showing how we can take small scale initiatives to reduce global warming.The students also prepared charts to show the small-scale initiatives taken by The BSS School to make our operations more co-friendly.
About 15 schools participated in the fest whose model depicted various SDG Goals (Goal nos. 11 to 15).By participating in the fest; the students were motivated and encouraged to showcase their understanding and creativity for a cause. The fest also provided a platform for the young minds to communicate freely.
SPARKLE 2023, an Inter School Fest was organised by the Primary Section of The BSS School on 5th and 6th Oct.2023. Around 10 reputed schools from Kolkata participated in this 2-day event with great enthusiasm. Day one comprised of non-competitive onstage and offstage events involving Classes UKG to III. It included events like Kirigami (Origami), Rocking Art(Pebble painting), Open with A Smile (Envelope Making), Claydorable(Clay modelling),Chorale (Group Song in English) and Pup Talk (Non-verbal puppet show). Day two on the other hand involved Classes IV and V comprising onstage and offstage events like Taste Busterzz (Cooking), Can Doo (Doodling), Cyber Artie (Power Point Presentation), Sporticon(Multiple Sports Activities), Spotlight (Showcase Any Talent) and Folk Rockers (Group Dance).
The following were the awards won on day two by different schools:
Taste Busterzz
First Prize – Sri Sri Academy
Second Prize – Abhinav Bharati High School
Third Prize – St. Lawrence High School
Cyber Artie
First Prize – St. Lawrence High School
Second Prize – M.P.Birla Foundation H. S. School
Third Prize – Shri Shikshayatan School
Can Do
First Prize – Indus Valley World School
Second Prize – M.P.Birla Foundation H. S. School
Third Prize – Birla High School, Mukundapur
Sporticon ( Boys Category)
First Prize – Abhinav Bharati High School
Second Prize – Lakshmipat Singhania Academy
Third Prize – Birla High School, Mukundapur
Sporticon (Girls Category)
First Prize – Sri Sri Academy
Second Prize – Shri Shikshayatan School
Third Prize – Shri Shikshayatan School
First Prize – Lakshmipat Singhania Academy
Second Prize – St. Lawrence High School
Third Prize – Abhinav Bharati High School
Folk Rockers
First Prize – The BSS School
Second Prize – Indus Valley World School
Third Prize – Abhinav Bharati High School
Best Schools
Abhinav Bharati High School
Sri Sri Academy
St. Lawrence High School
The events brought forth in students the felicity of creativity, new friendship, peer learning
and joy. The cooperation and joint effort of all the students, teachers, participating schools,
non-teaching staffs and the parents made the event a grand success.
Virtual Fancy Dress and Poster Competition for Bulbuls organised by BharatScoutsand Guides
Children from Classes IV represented the school in the Virtual Fancy Dress andPoster Competition for Bulbuls organised by Bharat Scouts and Guides, Kolkataon26thJan.2022.
Bavrabi Bera from Class IV-A won the Second Prize in the Virtual Fancy DressCompetition and Shibadrita Ghosal from Class IV-C won the Second Prize in thePosterCompetition.
Vasant Panchami Programme was celebrated online by the children of theprimarysectionon5thFeb.2022towelcomespringwithsongsanddances.
Koushani Bhattacharjee from Class V-C got the First Prize in BharatnatyamJunior Category in World Dance Olympiad (International Online Dance ContestandFestival) organised byANASS INDIA,Nagpuron 5thFeb.2022.
Inter-School Literary Fest ‘Words on Wings’ organised by Shri ShikshayatanSchool
Children from Classes III, IV and V represented the school in various events inthe Inter-School Literary Fest ‘Words on Wings’ organised by Shri ShikshayatanSchoolon 10thand 11thFeb.2022.
ChildrenfromClassIVparticipatedin theAnandArtWorkshoporganisedby
ApeejayAnandChildren’sLibrary on26thFeb.2022.
Sreetama Bhattacharjee from Class IV-B won the Second position in Pan IndiaOnlineCategory.
Children from classes IV and V represented the school in the paintingcompetition organised by National Library Employees’ Association, Alipore on6thMarch,2022.
DebangshiNandan from ClassV-BwontheSecondPrizeinGroupBcategory.
JSWPaints‘FutureScapes’PaintingCompetition 2022
Children from classes III, IV and V participated in the JSW Paints ‘Future Scapes’PaintingCompetition2022heldinschoolinthefirstandsecondweekofMarch 2022.
Thewinners were:
First – Labanya Mallick, III-BSecond – Sneha Bhunia, V-BThird–Shaown Dey,IV-B
Interactive Session with Dr. Madhurima Vidyarthi on her first book ‘MyGrandmother’sMasterpiece’organisedbyIndusValleyWorldSchool
Children from Class IV attended the virtual Interactive Session with Dr.Madhurima Vidyarthi on her first book ‘My Grandmother’s Masterpiece’organisedbyIndus ValleyWorld Schoolon10thMarch,2022.
Children from Class IV attended online sessions on 24thMarch, 2022 (Maithiliand the Minotaur by CG Salamander) and 25thMarch, 2022(Leeia Majumdar’sstories by Santanil Ganguly) curated by ThinkArts in association with KolkataLiteraryMeetonboth thedays.
CreativeCorner –AnArtandCreativeDevelopmentWorkshop
Children attended the Creative Corner – an art and development workshop on26thMarch,2022fromtheprimary section.
Samadrita Basu from Class V-B and Vidhi Gupta from Class V-C participated inthe International Student Essay Contest 2022 organised by GEMA on 10thApril,2022.
Rabindra Jayanti programme was celebrated on 6thMay, 2022 in the school’sauditorium where the children performed songs and dances to pay theirtributeto KobiGuruRabindranath Tagore.
Koushani Bhattacharjee from Class V-C won the First Prize in Kata event (10-16years advance girls) and the Second Prize in Kumite event (below 35kg girls),organised by International Gosoku Ryu Karate-Do Association on 22ndMay,2022.
The school was represented in the Heritage Art and Cultural Fest (ThirdEdition), a national level online inter-school classical dance and singingcompetition organised by Heritage Foundation of Art and Culture in May,2022.
The following were the winners in the singing category:SharanyaDasfromClassV-A,FourthPosition.
Sohini Chakraborty from Class V-B, Tenth Position.SanikshaDaluifromClassV-B,EighteenthPosition.
The following was the winner in the dance category:KoushaniBhattacharjeefromClassV-C,ThirdPosition.
The school was represented in the BITM Art Competition (Celebrating Bengal)bychildren fromClass Von 20thJune,2022.
Debanshi Nandan VB won the Third Prize.WorldYogaDay
On 21stJune 2022, World Yoga Day was celebrated virtually wherein childrenattendedspecialyogasessions topracticevariousasanas.
On 7thJuly 2022, World Chocolate Day was celebrated in school whereinchildren from Classes Nursery to V enjoyed the day sharing and havingdifferent kinds of chocolates. They also prepared various non-fire dishes withchocolateas themain ingredient.
Archisa Ghosh from Class II-C won the Gold Medal in Tiski Invitational DistrictKarate Championship 2022 organised by Traditional Institute of ShotokanKarateDo–Indiaon17thJuly,2022.
On 19thJuly 2022, children from Class V represented the school in variousevents like essay writing, painting and elocution competition organised byRamakrishnaMissionVidyalaya,Narendrapur(SeniorSection).
The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, Golpark – Swami VivekanandaAllIndiaElocution Competitionforstudents (2022)
On 25thJuly 2022, Prapti Bhattacharya from Class V-C and Oishani Samajdarfrom Class III-C represented the school in the Swami Vivekananda All IndiaElocution Competition for students (2022) organised by The RamakrishnaMissionInstituteof Culture,Golpark.
‘Quaestio’ – Inter School Quiz Competition by Birla High School, Kolkata.The BSS team stood Second in the competition. The winners were:ShourjaGhosh IV-B
Aryaa Chatterjee V-ADevangiMukherjeeV-B
Archisha Ghosh from Class IIC was awarded the Silver medal in the 6thInternationalKarateChampionship2022 organisedbyAllIndiaSeishinkaishito
–Ryu KarateDoFederation on 30thand 31stJuly,2022.
Children from Class IV and V attended the Interactive Library Sessions on theTheme of Diversity by ThinkArts on 30thJuly, 4th, 6thand 10thAugust 2022 atTheThinkArtsCorner,Birla Academyof Art& Culture,Kolkata.
Children from Class I to V represented the school in ‘Indradhanush’ – InterSchool competition organised by Lakshmipat Singhania Academy, Kolkata on5thAugust,2022.
Independence Day was celebrated on 15thAugust,2022 in the school premiseswith great joy and enthusiasm. The children put up a cultural programme tosalutethenation throughtheir colourfulperformances.
Janmashtami was celebrated on 18thAugust, 2022 by the children in theirclasseswithgreatjoyandexcitementtoupholdthebirthofLordKrishna.
2ndAnil DasGuptaMemirial Aquaticmeet2022
Samriddhi Biswas from Class VB was awarded the First Prize in the 2ndAnil DasGupta Memirial Aquatic meet 2022 organised by Indian Life Saving Society intheGirls Novice10-12years GR II30Manystylecategory.
Avaneeka Biswas from Class VB was awarded The Sonika Chauhan Award forCouragebyTheTelegraphSchoolAwardson3rdSeptember,2022.
Children from Classes Nursery to Upper K.G. represented the school in variousevents in the inter-school competition organised by Arun Nursery School,Kolkataon 4thSep.2022.
Sudhrita Das from UKG – A, secured the Second position in Sit and DrawCompetition.
Teachers Day was celebrated by the children on 5thSeptember, 2022 withgreat joy and enthusiasm through various cultural performances in the schoolauditorium. The programme started with an introduction by a student of ClassV followed by a medley of famous English songs. The students then danced tothe tune of a Bengali folk song and a few Bollywood songs. To wrap it up,students of class I and II gave an energetic and heart racing Zumbaperformance. The teachers thoroughly enjoyed the programme as they tappedtheirfeetto therhythm.
Samyukta Sen from Class III-A became the Champion in under 9 years girls’single event in the U-9/11 Years Age Group (Talent Hunt) BadmintonTournament 2022 organised by Jadavpur Association under West CalcuttaBadmintonAssociationfrom6thto9thSeptember,2022.
Cartoon Network organised some activities for the children of Class V on 7thSeptember,2022on theschool ground.
auditoriumforClasses III-V.
The first round of IIHM Junior Chef 2022 was held in the school on 15thSeptember,2022.
Artand Craftdisplay
The art and crafts made by the children of the primary section was displayedon19thSeptember,2022.
Children from Class III to V represented the school in various events in‘Vibgyor’ – Inter School fest organised by M.P.Birla Foundation H.S. School,Kolkataon 22ndSeptember,2022.
The following were the prizes won:FirstPrizein Music
Debanjana Baruli IVC, Sharanya Das VA, Saniksha Dalui VB, Sohini ChakrabortyVB.
Saanvi Gupta IIIC, Rituja Das IVA, Prerona Tarafdar VB.ChampionsTrophy