Fifth September is a special day as we celebrate and honour our teachers but this year it was extra special as The BSS School was conferred with the Sera Vidyalaya Puraskar (Best School) by the Honourable Chief Minister of West Bengal Ms Mamata Banerjeeat at Dhanya Dhaanya Stadium. The Principal Ms Sunita Sen along with Vice Principal Ms Sudeshna Banerjee, Academic Coordinator Ms D. Mitra and two of our students attended the prestigious event.
The BSS School, with its motto “Commitment to Excellence”, has been completely involved for the past 73 years in spreading Education for the girl child and making them completely future-ready for the global canvas. This recognition reinstates our belief that “The future of India is being shaped in its classrooms.”
Watching our pupils surge forward to take their rightful place as shapers and leaders in the third decade of this new millennium we are confident that the seeds that we have sown will reap a rich harvest in the years ahead.